Information and Communication Technology
Information and Communication Technology
Technology has become an integral part of our lives. The advancements in digital technologies are transforming the way we live, work, play and learn. Greendale Primary leverages on information and communication technology (ICT) to deepen subject mastery and develop 21st Century Competencies in students.
Key Programmes
Our programmes aim to develop self-directed learning competencies in students as well as to allow students to collaborate and create products together. ICT is integrated across all subjects to engage the students and enhance teaching and learning.
The basic ICT skills are infused into all the subjects. Our students learn about doing research using the Search engines. The students also learn to use MS Word, Excel and Powerpoint to create charts, graphs and slides to present their works. In addition, they are taught to use devices like dataloggers, thermal cameras, ipads, etc. and learn to analyse data collected. Our students create digital artwork and compose their own music with various softwares. To reinforce and make learning more interesting, students play online games like Kahoots, Quizlets, Socrative, etc.
To help our students master reading fluency and presentation skills, they are introduced to the Moo-O and Newsmaker software. Moo-O is used extensively by our lower primary students. In Moo-O, students become part of the story where the reading and learning experience becomes more meaningful. The upper students get to experience being news broadcasters as they write their own scripts and make use of Newsmaker to read out the news.
The school prepares learning packages and allows students to learn independently and collaboratively on the Student Learning Space (SLS). Other than the SLS, the school also subscribes to various e-portals and students will be given monthly e-assignments. Every year, there will be home-based learning days where students’ learning continue to take place at home.
As coding skills become increasingly important in the real world, Greendale Primary has introduced the Coding programme to our students. We create the time and space for students to unleash their creativity and to solve problems collaboratively. Our Primary 3 students are taught to use Arduino microprocessors to make real-life applications like the morse code, SMART light system and anti-theft system. Our Primary 4 students use Sphero SPRK+ to complete challenges and maze when they come up with their unique block-based coding while our Primary 5 students leverage on Microbits to compose their own music and make musical boxes.